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Sunday, June 10, 2012


John 1:11 is a deeply moving verse.  It describes in just a few words the intense rejection by the nation of its King and Savior.  Think of it.  This was a people that was nurtured and protected by God for hundreds of years.  Psalm 78:5 – 8 gives the shorted capsule of what God did.  He demonstrated His faithfulness to His Word to them over and over.  He sent them leaders and prophets.  He revealed Himself through the Law, all this in preparation for them to receive His Son.  They did not.
There is no level of rejection that we can bring to Christ with which He cannot identify.
Relational issues are some of the most painful with which we have to deal.  People in whom we have invested much can hurt us more effectively and quickly than others.  That is true in our families.  It is true for our kids even when we will trivialize the depth of the relational pain.  To them it is not trivial.  Whatever relational pain we experience, Christ’s was more.  All that He invested was rejected to the point of death.  He can relate to whatever level of rejection we face as friends, family, or work associates.  That is the beauty of the truth of Hebrews 4:15 – 16.  In those situations we have a guide who can lead us out without sin.

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