From Jimmy Brann (Entrusting Truth board member):
I’d like to tell you about a workshop that has had a huge influence on me and how I lead my family. The workshop is called Dads Teach The Bible (DTTB). DTTB is part of a ministry called Entrusting Truth. Entrusting Truth is rooted in Deuteronomy 6:6-7

6 “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.
7 “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."
The purpose of the DTTB workshop is to equip fathers to teach their children about scripture, to be able to answer questions when they ask. Your son looks to you for leadership in understanding the scripture. The workshop is focused on helping you become that leader to your son. There is something for everyone, regardless of your experience with scripture – you will benefit from this training whether you are a trained pastor or you are new to following Christ.
Mike Cunningham leads the workshop. Mike graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in civil engineering. He served in the United States Air Force as an instructor pilot. After serving on the collegiate staff of the Navigators he earned the Master of Theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has led men through the content of this seminar in 11 countries. Mike’s approach is very interactive. He incorporates movie clips and the discussions are very engaging, definitely not a lecture format.
The DTTB workshop is made up of 10 one hour forty-five minute sessions. The cost is $100 ($10 per session). This money goes toward the cost of the materials but more importantly to helping fund Mike’s overseas trips. Mike has traveled to four continents to train pastors in foreign countries how to study the Word for themselves so they can teach and lead their congregations to do the same.
Here is what one father had to share about the impact of DTTB on his life:
I had the opportunity to take the DadsTeach The Bible several years ago and it has had a profound impact on how I father my children. It gave me tools and resources along with confidence to teachthe Bible to my children. It also helped me in my own spiritual walk, as I have used one of the main Bible study techniques from DTTB (the Book/Chapter study) as part of an ongoing Bible study with other dads for the last 6-7 years. When my kids were younger, it was primarily reading the Action Bible with them and picking some key Bible verses to memorize. However, now that my kids are older, I have been able to use more of the DTTB study techniques. For the last year I have had the opportunity to use the Book/Chapter study technique with my 7th grade son and several of his buddies, who now make up a Sunday night Bible study group. DTTB gives you practical instruction and Biblical encouragement to get into the game of being a father who imparts scripture and truth to our children.
I will be participating in the next workshop starting the week of January 13th and would love for you to join me. Depending on participation levels and everyone’s preference for meeting time, we will meet either Monday evenings (8:00pm – 9:45pm) or Wednesday mornings (6:15am – 8:00am). Mike is willing to do both times if there is enough interest.
Are you interested in participating? Is Monday evening or Wednesday morning better for you? I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.
If you would like to schedule an event for your group in person or on line, or would like to have Mike speak with your group click here.