For the last couple of days I have been reading in John 11
, today the “assignment” was 17 – 27
. I read further at least through 39
. Note that Mary and Martha make identical statement to Christ in verses 21
and 32
, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” They were certain that Jesus could have made a difference; they were also certain He should have…
It is not possible for me to count the number of times I have approached the Lord with that same argument. Lord, if You only __________, __________ would not have happened. When I do what Mary and Martha did, I, like them, have placed my needs, and desires ahead of His. I am demanding the Lord to engage on my terms and on my schedule for my purposes. That does not seem to be His MO. Note that the reason Jesus did not come when Mary and Martha wanted Him to come is explicitly stated in verse 42. He had His reasons. There was a purpose.
The thing I have to remember is that when He does not __________, and __________ happens, there is a reason. A reason that aligns with His agenda. My agenda is not the determining factor. This is not my story.
It is His.

It is not possible for me to count the number of times I have approached the Lord with that same argument. Lord, if You only __________, __________ would not have happened. When I do what Mary and Martha did, I, like them, have placed my needs, and desires ahead of His. I am demanding the Lord to engage on my terms and on my schedule for my purposes. That does not seem to be His MO. Note that the reason Jesus did not come when Mary and Martha wanted Him to come is explicitly stated in verse 42. He had His reasons. There was a purpose.
The thing I have to remember is that when He does not __________, and __________ happens, there is a reason. A reason that aligns with His agenda. My agenda is not the determining factor. This is not my story.
It is His.