Sometimes the word choices in the Bible are jarring. A good example of that is in 2 Corinthians 4:4
. I am following Paul’s argument well and then get twisted up in his choice of words. He says that Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so they cannot see the light of the gospel… Wait a minute… Shouldn't that say, “blinded the eyes?” One sees light with the eyes don’t they? This afternoon I was talking with a friend and asked him about this verse, and he quoted it as, “blinded the eyes.” That is what makes sense… sometimes we will subconsciously substitute what we think it should say as we read…
When I see something like this in scripture, something that does not seem to make sense to me, it is a flag to sit up and take notice. Why would Paul, and ultimately the Holy Spirit use mind here instead of eyes? It seems to speak to understanding, rational thought, logical thinking. Earlier in 2 Corinthians 1:13
Paul says that he expects people to understand what he is writing. Here the triad of see, mind, and light must deal with cognitive understanding not an optical process.
As believers there is a tendency to spiritualize, mysticize, or turn Biblical truth in to some emotive experience that at some level requires us to hang our intellect at the front door of the church. But twice here in the first four chapters of 2 Corinthians
Paul speaks of engaging one’s mind, and I have counted 39 such references in Philippians
It seems as though Paul puts a premium on thinking about the Christian life. It seems that he thinks the gospel makes rational sense.

When I see something like this in scripture, something that does not seem to make sense to me, it is a flag to sit up and take notice. Why would Paul, and ultimately the Holy Spirit use mind here instead of eyes? It seems to speak to understanding, rational thought, logical thinking. Earlier in 2 Corinthians 1:13

As believers there is a tendency to spiritualize, mysticize, or turn Biblical truth in to some emotive experience that at some level requires us to hang our intellect at the front door of the church. But twice here in the first four chapters of 2 Corinthians

It seems as though Paul puts a premium on thinking about the Christian life. It seems that he thinks the gospel makes rational sense.
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