Just realized that this is appropriate for the day before Easter. Reading through Colossians 1:14 – 20
just now. It is though Paul was overwhelmed by his personal riches in Christ. It seems as though when he penned the words “His beloved son,” Paul broke into spontaneous praise. His gratitude overflowed in noting that in Christ we have:
This is the one that emptied Himself voluntarily (Philippians 2
) choosing to die a criminal’s death on a cross in order to reconcile us to His Father through His blood.

- Redemption
- Forgiveness of sins
- The image of the invisible God
- The first born of creation
- The creator of all things
- The sustainer of all things
- The reason for all things
This is the one that emptied Himself voluntarily (Philippians 2

...and just thrown in, eternal glory (2 Timothy 2:10