Yesterday we looked at the second part of Paul’s charge to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2
. The last charge to Timothy is “remind”, 2 Timothy 2:14
. This paragraph is packed and I will begin to unpack it a little tomorrow.

Paul exhorted his spiritual son, first to consider, think, ponder, what he had said so that Lord would give Timothy understanding. Then he refocused Timothy by exhorting him to remember why he was in Ephesus, to serve Christ. Success was not understanding or numbers in ministry it was the worship of Christ and thankfulness for the grace of God dispensed through the sacrifice of His Son.
It is against that backdrop that Paul now commands Timothy – oh did I forget to mention that all three of these words are imperatives? Yep. He commands him to remind those in his care of what he has just shared. Think of the commands thus far. Consider what has been said about the multiplication of laborers who are able to teach and the unmatched importance of remembering why we are engaged in this battle it is to serve and worship Christ in thanksgiving for His saving work in our life.
In this one word Paul is calling to mind his charge to the leadership of the Ephesian church both in Acts 20:25 – 35
and Ephesians 4:11 – 16
. As a leader of the body in Ephesus, Timothy has to pass on what he has learned, equip those whom he has taught to do the same, and remind them that their purpose, like his, is to serve and worship the Lord.
There is so much more here especially in this last paragraph. As I said I will start on this tomorrow. In the meantime see how many imperatives you can identify in 2 Timothy 2:14 – 26

Paul exhorted his spiritual son, first to consider, think, ponder, what he had said so that Lord would give Timothy understanding. Then he refocused Timothy by exhorting him to remember why he was in Ephesus, to serve Christ. Success was not understanding or numbers in ministry it was the worship of Christ and thankfulness for the grace of God dispensed through the sacrifice of His Son.
It is against that backdrop that Paul now commands Timothy – oh did I forget to mention that all three of these words are imperatives? Yep. He commands him to remind those in his care of what he has just shared. Think of the commands thus far. Consider what has been said about the multiplication of laborers who are able to teach and the unmatched importance of remembering why we are engaged in this battle it is to serve and worship Christ in thanksgiving for His saving work in our life.
In this one word Paul is calling to mind his charge to the leadership of the Ephesian church both in Acts 20:25 – 35

There is so much more here especially in this last paragraph. As I said I will start on this tomorrow. In the meantime see how many imperatives you can identify in 2 Timothy 2:14 – 26