I have been in a lot of great conversations about the Bible. Deep stuff on Romans, Philippians, pick the book. I have also been in discussions on significant topics, the kingdom of God, Spiritual Multiplication, the Promises of God, and a long topical study on what the Bible says about itself.
Many others have done this as well. This nation was founded, in part, so that people would have the freedom to do so. The first universities that were founded in what we now call the Ivy League were founded as seminaries to train pastors.
The aims of Duke University are to assert a faith in the eternal union of knowledge and religion set forth in the teachings and character of Jesus Christ, the Son of God . To advance learning in all lines of truth, to defend scholarship against all false notions and ideals, to develop a Christian love of freedom and truth, to promote a sincere spirit of tolerance, to discourage all partisan and sectarian strife, and to render the largest permanent service to the individual , the state, the nation, and the Church. Unto these ends shall the affairs of this university always be administered. |
What happened?
People have been having great discussions about the Bible in this country for – let’s just go back to the Declaration of Independence – 237 years. Deep stuff covered in small groups, churches, Sunday schools, seminaries. With all of those deep discussions shouldn’t we be better off as a nation at least in terms of the Christian foundation that was laid by those who braved those boat rides from England? Are we?
Try sharing Christ openly at one of the Ivy League schools. Duke University was founded to explore the glory of Christ in science (see the plaque above that is at the west entrance to the school). Today one is in danger of banishment if one violates the “religious” sensibilities of a Duke student.
Culturally it would be extremely difficult to argue that as a people we more closely follow Christ than those who settled this country. We have killed more babies through abortion than the number of people the Nazis were able to extinguish during the holocaust. They did it to further the political goal of racial supremacy. We do it in the name of sexual freedom. Which is worse? Our culture is accepting and promoting perversion as normal. Our journalists have abandoned all pretense of speaking truth to further causes that they have chosen to support. These are but a few and not necessarily the most important issues that are facing us as a people.
As a Body Christians, while discussing deep issues and doing deep Bible studies, abandoned the Institutions of Higher education they founded, thus populating the leadership of the country, the medical profession, and those who report as journalists with folks who do not acknowledge Christ as Lord.
We can outline Romans, so what? What happened to being salt and light?