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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Fearsome, Powerful, Majestic, Daddy

I was just reading in Psalm 29.  In there the “voice of the Lord” is repeated seven times.  It..
  • Is upon the waters
  • Is powerful
  • Is majestic
  • Breaks the cedars
  • Hews out flames of fire
  • Shakes the wilderness
  • Makes the deer to calve
  • Strips the forest bare
The interesting thing to me is that books are written and seminars are attended in order for us to hear His voice; seems like that might be a bit dangerous.
You ever think about how powerful the voice of God is and the implications of that?  Thoughts at DTTB.
As I was thinking through this Ecclesiastes 5:1 came to mind.  That got me thinking about how we needed to be careful coming before God.  But then Galatians 4:6 and Romans 8:15 counterbalanced that.  So the picture that was developing for me is a young child running carefree into the presence of a fearsome, all powerful king, who is his dad.  He runs up to the throne and jumps into the lap of the one who has the power of life or death with a word.  That is what God has done for us.

Spend some time thinking through that.  It will fry your circuits.


  1. A couple of O.T. examples roughly allude to this. First one I thought of was Moses and Israel at Mt. Sinai after the giving of the Ten Commandments (Ex.20:18-21); God made a rather spectacular display of power. Moses,God's man, was up in the middle of it, but not spooked at all. The people, on the other hand, down below observing from some distance were terrified. Moses knew God; the people didn't.

    Another shadow was Elijah's experience on the mountain on the run from from Jezebel (1 Kings 19:11-14). Shattering rocks, hurricane winds, and earthquake and fire, but God was not showing His power or speaking through these acts, but in a quiet breeze.

    One of my mom's favorite threats, as I've been told, when she's had it with me was, "Just wait until your dad gets home!" It must have been effective because I don't remember much about the results; the warning alone was heeded, I long for my life to be so oriented toward Him that a gentile blowing is all I need to hear what He wants to say to me, no matter how painful it may be. It's incredible to be on THIS side of the cross!

    1. Great stuff. Thanks for taking time to add to the thought.
