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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Reality of Relentless Exponential Shifting

The world is changing.  Quickly.  Continuously.  Relentlessly.  In my short life the fabric of society has been unraveled and rewoven on a loom producing a warp and woof of chaos rather than order.  All aspects of personal, local, national, and geopolitical interaction has shifted radically in the past 5 years.  Norms, law, and foundational principles are being ignored or discarded as outdated obstacles for those who are driving the change.
Do you despair over how Christ will impact this chaotic culture?  Thoughts at DTTB.
Multiple generations of people have matured without the influence of the Bible.  Some have lived through adolescence with none of their decisions guided or questioned (we first encountered this in 1978).  Data and devices to engage with data are ubiquitous.  In a recent stroll through a hospital corridor literally everyone I saw was walking either reading or typing on their smart phone.  There was no eye contact or acknowledgement of the people in their surroundings.

As apprentices of Christ do we have something to say to this chaos?  If we are honest, it is a bit daunting to think about how to impact this undulating culture with a 2000 year old message.

Psalm 46:2 is an anchor – regardless of change we will not fear.  Psalm 112:7 – we do not fear evil tidings but trust.  Psalm 27:1 – 3 – we do not fear, we trust in the defense of the Lord.

We have the answer to this chaos.  We have to trust Christ, follow Him, love those caught in the shifts, and declare the truth to them. We especially have to arm our kids to deal with this.

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