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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Yesterday afternoon I was setting up for this morning’s workshop.  Typically, unless I forget – which I have twice, I set up with the associate pastor at around 1:30PM.  As we were working on the room he started talking about his reaction to this blog.  He told me that in a lot of cases the things covered here put into words things that he was thinking.  He gave me a couple of specific examples of posts that were helpful to him.
All of us are pastors, at least to our families.
That interaction was both encouraging and a concern; for most the rest of the day what he said simmered on the back burner of my thoughts.  Great that he is encouraged by what he reads here.  He is a pastor.  Does that mean that only those who are in full time ministry are going to benefit from this?  It was distracting, and I found myself waking up during the night thinking about that.

Sometime this morning the light came on.  We are all pastors; or at least we all should be engaged in pastoral work.  Our flock is first our family.  Then it is our expanding sphere of influence.  If we are engaged in giving our lives to others as Christ directed, then the things that encouraged my pastor friend should also encourage us.

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