Several times here we have looked at Psalm 51
. There is good reason for that. There is much we can learn from David’s failure. First of all let me say that I am really good at sin. Not necessarily proud of that but it is a gift.
Focus for a moment on Psalm 51:2
, 10
. Note the verbs David uses:
David cannot wash away his sin with Bathsheba, her pregnant reality is literally in his face daily. There is no amount of soap and water that will change that or for that matter cleanse him, set the clock back and make her unpregnant and David an unadulterer. Not going to happen.
Nor can David create a new heart for himself. Nor can he renew his steadfast spirit. Ever tried that? “I am going to be steadfast now!” Works until it doesn't any more, which is measured in nanoseconds for me.
The reality of the effects of sinnin' is the seedbed for all of our attempts at religion. We desperately do just about anything to remove the stains our sin has left on us. So we sacrifice, we pray, we give, we follow all kinds of religious rules to attempt to scrub away the consequences of our sinnin', But deep down, really deep down where it really counts, we know it ain't workin'.
That is where David’s prayer comes in. David knew that he was helpless to deal with his sinnin'. Only God by and through His grace could wash, cleanse, create, and renew David. Same with us. This is the good news of the Gospel is it not? It is not about what religious rules we follow. No, it is about the fact that God chose to wash, cleanse, create, and renew us through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of His Son. Now instead of having to perform within the confines of some religious rule, all we have to do is ask. John clearly sets this out in 1 John 1:5 – 10
Ask not do. We are passive in our cleansing. God does it. We do not – well I don’t anyway – deserve that grace. It is overwhelming.
He forgives and cleanses me from my sinnin'. Wow.

Focus for a moment on Psalm 51:2

- Wash me
- Cleanse me
- Create in me
- Renew me
David cannot wash away his sin with Bathsheba, her pregnant reality is literally in his face daily. There is no amount of soap and water that will change that or for that matter cleanse him, set the clock back and make her unpregnant and David an unadulterer. Not going to happen.
Nor can David create a new heart for himself. Nor can he renew his steadfast spirit. Ever tried that? “I am going to be steadfast now!” Works until it doesn't any more, which is measured in nanoseconds for me.
The reality of the effects of sinnin' is the seedbed for all of our attempts at religion. We desperately do just about anything to remove the stains our sin has left on us. So we sacrifice, we pray, we give, we follow all kinds of religious rules to attempt to scrub away the consequences of our sinnin', But deep down, really deep down where it really counts, we know it ain't workin'.
That is where David’s prayer comes in. David knew that he was helpless to deal with his sinnin'. Only God by and through His grace could wash, cleanse, create, and renew David. Same with us. This is the good news of the Gospel is it not? It is not about what religious rules we follow. No, it is about the fact that God chose to wash, cleanse, create, and renew us through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of His Son. Now instead of having to perform within the confines of some religious rule, all we have to do is ask. John clearly sets this out in 1 John 1:5 – 10

Ask not do. We are passive in our cleansing. God does it. We do not – well I don’t anyway – deserve that grace. It is overwhelming.
He forgives and cleanses me from my sinnin'. Wow.