Psalm 19:13
stopped me short this morning. I wondered – it is interesting that, as many times as I have read this Psalm I haven’t wondered before – what exactly presumptuous sin might be. I looked up the word, it is variously translated in the old testament:
“Overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy); taking liberties.”
When have I pushed beyond the place the relationship will bear? When have I taken liberties with a person that I have not earned?
As I think through my behavior I can identify far too many instances when I have done all of these things.
Lord keep back thy servant from presumptive sins!

- Arrogance
- Pride
- Presumption
“Overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy); taking liberties.”
When have I pushed beyond the place the relationship will bear? When have I taken liberties with a person that I have not earned?
As I think through my behavior I can identify far too many instances when I have done all of these things.
Lord keep back thy servant from presumptive sins!