I have written here about eight times about affliction (here are those posts). Here goes number nine.
All throughout Psalm 119
we read that it is affliction that is one of the things that helps me to understand and embrace the Word of God. That theme is continued and expanded in Psalm 119:105 - 112
. There we read that it is the Word of God that revives me during affliction.
So affliction helps me to understand and apply the Word of God and the Word of God revives me during affliction. One of the things that Prof Hendricks said continually was that our study of the Word is not just a good thing for us to do as believers but a survival feature. This theme in Psalm 119, and my experience in life bears this out in spades.
Through the betrayals and difficulties of living in this world the primary thing that has held me in any semi upright position is time in the Word. It has helped me to maintain perspective. It has kept me from over morose introspection by lifting my eyes off of myself and placing God in the forefront. It has reminded me that this is His story, it is about Him and His kingdom, not about me and my domain.
In both the good times and those that are not so good, we have to cling to His Word. It is much more than a lifesaver.
All throughout Psalm 119

So affliction helps me to understand and apply the Word of God and the Word of God revives me during affliction. One of the things that Prof Hendricks said continually was that our study of the Word is not just a good thing for us to do as believers but a survival feature. This theme in Psalm 119, and my experience in life bears this out in spades.
Through the betrayals and difficulties of living in this world the primary thing that has held me in any semi upright position is time in the Word. It has helped me to maintain perspective. It has kept me from over morose introspection by lifting my eyes off of myself and placing God in the forefront. It has reminded me that this is His story, it is about Him and His kingdom, not about me and my domain.
In both the good times and those that are not so good, we have to cling to His Word. It is much more than a lifesaver.
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