Yesterday I asked how we could develop the attitude to follow Christ as Paul exhorts in Philippians 2:5 and 3:15. Tom Morris responded with his ideas, good stuff, you should read his response.
In my experience there has been more involved than just resolving to read, study, and spend more time with Christ. First of all I have not been very good at keeping those resolutions. Second, it seems that the reality of Romans 7:15
works itself out in my life more than I would care to admit. The passage in Philippians that gives me hope is 2:13
. That passage combined with Mark 9:24
seem to indicate a path for more intimacy with Christ through the means that Tom has rightly suggested. I need to, and I do – not as often as I should – come to Him and confess that I need help not only in my faith but in my desire to follow Him.
I can gut out a quiet time or a Bible study. But somehow those times do not result in much in the way of relationship with Christ. It is only as I ask for Christ to lead, to enflame the faith that He has given me, to draw me toward Himself that the Word, the prayer, the time with Him enrichens.
So I am learning that I am dependent on Him to follow Him.
In my experience there has been more involved than just resolving to read, study, and spend more time with Christ. First of all I have not been very good at keeping those resolutions. Second, it seems that the reality of Romans 7:15

I can gut out a quiet time or a Bible study. But somehow those times do not result in much in the way of relationship with Christ. It is only as I ask for Christ to lead, to enflame the faith that He has given me, to draw me toward Himself that the Word, the prayer, the time with Him enrichens.
So I am learning that I am dependent on Him to follow Him.
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