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Thursday, August 9, 2012


If you are like me you have a plan for your devotional time with the Lord.  If you are like me sometimes the Lord changes the plan.  This morning I was restless.  The words in the Bible were blurred by the fog of urgency that was rising from all of the “important” projects in which I am engaged at the moment.  This has happened before, no, often, so I recognize the symptoms.  Usually, stopping, praying, journaling, will clear the fog.  No so much this morning.  It was a battle, multiple starts and stops.
Attempting to gain God's favor by performance is about as effective as wandering in the desert without knowing where you are or where you are going and expecting to get there.
There was a list of all of these projects in my journal, I prayed and released them all to Christ – the struggle I continually face is in gaining my value from what I am doing rather than the fact that Christ has drawn me to and completed me in Himself.  Somehow I still hold onto the vain notion that I can gain favor and approval by my enormous contributions to His Kingdom – yeah.  It was about at this point He gently changed the direction of our time together.  He does that with me by bringing passages to mind in this case, Colossians 2:9 – 10; Psalm 127:1 – 2; 1 Corinthians 15:8 -10; Colossians 3:17, 23, and then as I was finishing up I got an email from a friend that referenced Proverbs 4:23.  If you read through all of those you may struggle with the tension between rest and completeness in Christ and laboring hard on His behalf.

It resolved for me as I took some time to look at the word “vain”. You probably noticed that it shows up in both the Psalm 127 and 1 Corinthians 15 passages.  Rather than share my thoughts now, take some time and think through how these relate.  I will share my thoughts tomorrow.

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