In 1 Samuel 9:21
when Samuel is about to anoint Saul as the first king of Israel, Saul’s response is telling. It is a focus on his station, his family, his standing. In that attitude, that focus, we see the seeds of his ultimate failure. Saul is concerned with appearances, he is afraid of what people think of him and that is born out quickly by his defense of his disobedience in 1 Samuel 13:11 - 14
Contrast Saul’s heart with his successor, David. David was also self effacing. In 1 Samuel 18:18
he used similar language to Saul’s in 9:21
when Saul offered his older daughter to be David’s wife. The difference, based on the trajectory of David’s life, is that David’s humility was based on his knowledge of God rather than his fear of what men thought of him. David’s focus, even when he blew it, was on his relationship with God and David’s concern was with what God thought of him, Psalm 51
Paul, in Galatians 1:10
, reinforces this attitude for us. As David and Paul, our concern should be on what God thinks about what we are doing. Men will disagree, men will resist, men will deride, men will abandon. We cannot please men, we should not try. We serve God.

Contrast Saul’s heart with his successor, David. David was also self effacing. In 1 Samuel 18:18

Paul, in Galatians 1:10

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