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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Facing the End?

Facing the End?

Two days ago I wrote about the email from the LLS that told me that the chemo I was taking rendered the C19 vaccines useless for me.  I mentioned at the end of the post that 8 days later both my wife and I got the virus.  The day we found out we were exposed, My journal had a rather long entry.  Beyond what was in my reading, the Lord took me to the following passages:

Note that they are all dealing with the brevity of life here.  I will let you work through how you respond to those passages.  I would encourage you to write your responses down somewhere you can remember and easily retrieve.  If you are up to it, share with me what the Lord showed you through those passages.

All that we had heard about the virus indicated that I was in the high-risk category.  The combination of cancer and chemo, with the result of a significantly compromised immune system, suggested that if I got the virus the outcome would not be that great.  “Coincidentally” I had intravenous immunoglobulin g the day before my wife tested positive.  That infusion takes about 5 – 6 hours and its purpose is to boost my immune system, to give me some resistance to bacteria and viruses.  After we tested positive, both of us got the monoclonal antibody infusion the next day.  

It was overwhelming how the Lord took care of us.  I only had one day where I felt really bad.  The day I go the monoclonal infusion.  They warned me that might be the case.  

Our Lord is gracious and good.


  1. The first thing I do when I read your latest post is pray - for God's grace, the doctors wisdom, and courage for you dear beautiful family, esp. Jenny. What comes after depends....

    This last news leaves me not sure what to pray for. I may know more to pray for Jenny than you. I have no one dependent on me. The family would be far better off in human terms if I were gone. That process will likely be long and very undramatic. Just miserable and likely pitiful.

    I'm planning to go through your passages and will let you know if there is anything particular worth sharing. The process is always valuable,,,,, Chuck

    1. Chuck, to be clear this was our response in September and the first of October when we went through this. I look forward to what you see in the passages.

    2. I have been praying consistently but not studying passages. I'm easily overwhelmed. But it is before me every day....
