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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Feigned Christians

Psalm 66:3 was in my reading today.  This is a passage on which I have already written once, but not this part.  Something that has always struck me about this verse is the second half.  God is so awesome that people will pretend to obey Him.
That thought sent me on a journey through a number of other passages:
The thread here is that not all of those who say that they are believers are actually believers.  Our churches and our groups have “tares”.  Those who show up, possibly serve, possibly teach and yet the Lord will say to them, as He does in Matthew 7:22, “depart from Me…”

Paul exhorts each of us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, 1 Corinthians 13:5.  That seems to be good counsel.

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