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Monday, February 10, 2014

Turning the Wrong Way

Repentance or turning from the worship of idols to the worship and obedience of the God of Abraham is one of the central themes of Jeremiah.  Time and again the Lord through Jeremiah pleads with Judah to return to Him, to obey the covenant, to obey His Word.  Time and again they refuse.
Ever struggle with stuff you thought you overcame?  Thoughts at DTTB.
But they do “repent.”  In Jeremiah 11:10, we are told that they “repent” from following God and return to the way of their ancestors.  They return to Baal worship.  They go back to sin.

That is the wrong type of repentance.  We all face that pull though, do we not?  Things that we thought we have overcome, creep back into our lives.  Victories we won through prayer and spiritual discipline, we seem to be fighting again.  Someone once told me that the things we struggled with in our 20’s and overcame we will face again in our 50’s and 60’s but bigger battles.  I find that has been true.

I have found that I need someone to encourage me.  Not hold me accountable, encourage me.  Not blow me up when I fail but stand with me in the midst of the battle.  I think that is the whole idea behind Hebrews 3:13, don’t you.

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