Today, at about the time this is published, I will be parking my dad’s car in garage 10 at MD Anderson. At about 9 AM, give or take, dad will have his third PET scan to see how he responded to this last round of chemotherapy. We are hopeful that his cancer will be at least in remission, and praying that it will be cured.
We will wait three hours to meet with the doctor to find out.
Those of you who have been through this yourself or with loved ones know that there is a level of dissonance ever present in your day as you walk through or with this situation.
We read in Psalm 139:3 – 6
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, that our sovereign, loving God has ordained our days. That includes the hard stuff. There is a purpose. We do not allways know what that purpose may be, but there is a purpose nonetheless. The alternative is that these things are random tragedies that our God could have prevented but did not. Complacent and detached do not seem to be attributes of God that can be validated by any level of study of His Word.
So how are we to respond? It seems to me that we are to trust in Him who says He is intimately engaged in our lives in order to conform us to the image of His son. We may not like or understand the means, but we are asked to trust.
We will wait three hours to meet with the doctor to find out.
Those of you who have been through this yourself or with loved ones know that there is a level of dissonance ever present in your day as you walk through or with this situation.
We read in Psalm 139:3 – 6

So how are we to respond? It seems to me that we are to trust in Him who says He is intimately engaged in our lives in order to conform us to the image of His son. We may not like or understand the means, but we are asked to trust.
God has put you in the right place for your Dad. One of the things that my bride and I hung onto, when she was going thru it, was Philipians 4:4-7. God has a plan...don't let that cancer go to waste. Someone will be blessed by your walk.