This afternoon a man with whom I have both served overseas and worked through the various methods of Bible study covered in the seminars. We talked for about an hour. The subject was one about which I have some relatively deep convictions.
My friend had spoken with a Christian leader about the type of study I have been sharing on 4 continents. That is Inductive Bible study. Essentially this type of study has four elements and essentially four questions. They are Observation, What does the text say; Interpretation, What does the text mean; Correlation, What other parts of the text shed light on this portion; and Application, What does the text say that I need to do.
The leaders response to my friend, while not totally surprising, was extremely disappointing. He told my friend that it was the wrong approach to scripture. He said that my friend should be going to his pastor to listen to what the pastor says and then go to the Word. There is so much wrong with that last sentence, I literally could write a book about it – oh, I did.
I am trying hard to resist listing all of the Bible passages in which that statement is in conflict. If you were to scan this blog you will find most of them.
But I want to go in a different direction. In Deuteronomy 28
(here @ Bible Gateway), Moses is nearing the end of his life. He has led the nation to the edge of the Promised Land for a second time. He cannot enter. In the first 14 verses
(here @ Bible Gateway) Moses tells the people the benefit of following the Lord. In 15 – 68
(here @ Bible Gateway), he warns them of what will happen when they disobey. Look at Deuteronomy 28:28
(here @ Bible Gateway). Disobedience, not following the Lord, results in madness, blindness, and bewilderment of heart.
Something that is crystal clear in the Bible is the Lord’s command, expectation, that we each, individually, embrace, engage, and abide in His Word. Unfortunately, the leader to which my friend spoke, is not unique. His tribe is legion. Rather than following the command of the great commission, these refuse to accept the clear assignment of Ephesians 4:11 – 16
(here @ Bible Gateway) with its implications. Rather, they set themselves up as the expert, the professional, and place themselves between those they serve and the Word of God as the arbiter and dispenser of truth.
Is it any wonder then that in the Church today, there is madness, blindness, and bewilderment? Chaos.
My friend had spoken with a Christian leader about the type of study I have been sharing on 4 continents. That is Inductive Bible study. Essentially this type of study has four elements and essentially four questions. They are Observation, What does the text say; Interpretation, What does the text mean; Correlation, What other parts of the text shed light on this portion; and Application, What does the text say that I need to do.
The leaders response to my friend, while not totally surprising, was extremely disappointing. He told my friend that it was the wrong approach to scripture. He said that my friend should be going to his pastor to listen to what the pastor says and then go to the Word. There is so much wrong with that last sentence, I literally could write a book about it – oh, I did.
I am trying hard to resist listing all of the Bible passages in which that statement is in conflict. If you were to scan this blog you will find most of them.
But I want to go in a different direction. In Deuteronomy 28

Something that is crystal clear in the Bible is the Lord’s command, expectation, that we each, individually, embrace, engage, and abide in His Word. Unfortunately, the leader to which my friend spoke, is not unique. His tribe is legion. Rather than following the command of the great commission, these refuse to accept the clear assignment of Ephesians 4:11 – 16

Is it any wonder then that in the Church today, there is madness, blindness, and bewilderment? Chaos.