I have sat on this for about three weeks but it won’t go away. It seems to me that many in our communities are passive Christians. In this context a passive Christian would be one who is continually taking in information. Continually perhaps, even regularly listening to messages, reading Christian literature, and attending Christian events. In other words high levels of preprocessed input.
However, a passive Christian is not personally engaged in self-feeding on the Word of God. They are committed to what the writer of
refers to as milk,
Hebrews 5:11 – 14
What is milk? Predigested and processed protein. Someone else has done the eating of the meat. There are all kinds of Christian milk available. Books about the Bible, fill in the blank studies, messages on mp3, blogs, studies on disk, all of which I have used and from which I have derived benefit. However, that, according to
Hebrews 5:11 – 14
, should not be our primary or continual input. We are supposed to grow past that. We are supposed to graduate to meat. (
By the way this is repeated in 1 Corinthians 3:1 - 3.)
Practice. We are to engage in the Word personally. We move. The word train here, is the Greek word from which we derive gymnasium. We should be working out in the word.
But those in the Christian communities have to be equipped, they – well all of us – need personal trainers. At the gym we need help to understand how to exercise properly. We need that so we do not injure ourselves. In our walk with God, we need people to equip us in how to study the Word for ourselves, that seems to be what Paul is suggesting in
Ephesians 4:11 - 16
. In the New Testament we read that is exactly what the disciples did they showed people how. They did not just tell them what.
All this brought the image above to mind. In the movie Wall-E the people never moved. They never ate solid food. They were addicted to milk. It was the robots that moved. It was the robots that served. The people didn’t even turn their heads to speak to one another, they used their media.
Perhaps it is time for some meat eating practice.