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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Crave, Long, Demand, Require

When Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was released, my son and I went to the bookstore at midnight to get the book, actually we picked up three copies one for my son and two for my other two boys.  We walked into a chaotic zoo.  The place was packed with people in costumes.  Everyone was excited to see what was going to happen next to the boy who lived.  That scene played out three more times with the release of the last three books in the series.
What kinds of things do you crave?  Thoughts at DTTB.
I know people who have ransacked Dave Ramsey’s books in order to get a handle on their finances.  They have paid to go to seminars that he has presented on financial principles.

I know people who have read the Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings multiple times (I am one of them).  I have heard that many people have read the Twilight Saga books multiple times (I am not one of them).

I have had friends who have fought long battles with cancer.  They have poured over information and have become conversant with highly technical medical language.  Their lives depended on it.

In each of the above, people are craving information or entertainment.  It becomes their passion, their focus, for some amount of time it consumes them.

I have been in 1 Peter 2:2 a lot in the last couple of weeks.  I used it in a talk I gave to a DMin class last week and I shared some thoughts on that passage with some men I meet with during the week, finally today we talked about the verse in Sunday school.  Peter describes here what our attitude should be toward the Word of God.  It seems to me that some of the above examples are pictures of Peter’s intent.

But I have never seen a line, or people in costume at the release of a new version of the Bible, OK that would be weird.  But you get the point.  Few of us approach the Word as if our lives depended on it.  But that is exactly what Peter is suggesting here.  Few of us really dig in to find answers to life’s problems, but that is where Ramsey gets most of his stuff.

This is getting long.  What do you think?

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