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Monday, December 31, 2012


It seems like about 15 minutes ago that it was 12/31/11.  Each year seems to pass at a vastly accelerated rate.  How was this year for you?  Not just financially, physically, or emotionally; how was this year in the development of your relationship with Christ?  What did your life tell your kids about the value you place on Christ and His work in your life?  It really does not matter what you say to them.  Like my dad said about 6 million times, “Your actions speak louder than your words.”
How did 2012 go for you?  Did you grow spiritually?  Why or why not?  What can you learn from this year?
Did your kids catch you in the Bible?  Did they catch you praying?

It may be a good idea in the next few days to review Psalm 90 and Psalm 113.  How did the heart of those Psalms play our in your live in 2012?  What should you do differently in 2013?  That is between you and the Lord.  Spend some time asking.

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