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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Critical 3

The last couple of days we have been looking at Paul’s final letter and his exhortation to Timothy, specifically in 2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:8.  Yesterday we observed that Paul instructed Timothy to abide, continue, remain, and entrust to others the teaching that he had heard from his youth.
The Word of God is the foundation, the equipping, and the message for us if we wish to have an impact on our kids or friends for Christ.

Note that 3:14 – 4:8 is the last thing that Paul says to Timothy before the final greetings and salutations.  It is in the place of importance.  The last substantive instruction Paul gave before he died.  Central to the instruction is the Word of God.  It is safe to say that Timothy could not abide in the teaching as Paul commanded, unless he remained in the Word.  Paul underlines that reality by telling his protégé that it is the Word that would make him adequate for his calling.  He further amps up his emphasis on the Word by reminding him that he is to share the Word at all times.  Timothy’s life and ministry is to center around the Word of God.

Is it not the same for us?  If we are going to get to know Christ; if we are going to lead our children and others to a closer relationship with Christ; should our lives not center on the Word of God?  If we are not sharing the Word with our kids or those whom God has put in our path, what are we going to share with them that is going to bring them closer to Christ?  Some idea of ours?  Some idea that another man or woman wrote?  That is better than the Word?

Too many seem to have forgotten this…

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