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Monday, April 28, 2014

More Structure in Psalms

Yesterday I shared about how literary relationships can help you observe through an example in Psalm 103:2 – 5.  I mentioned at the end of the post that there were more examples.
How can the structure of Psalms help you see more in your devotional time?  Thoughts at DTTB.
Repetition is one of the things that consistently is used in Scripture for emphasis.  I have written before about the density of “abide” and “fruit” in John 15.  There is additional repetition in Psalm 103:2 – 18.

Notice in the second half of verse 4 that we are crowned with lovingkindness and compassion.  Now notice how many times those words appear in 6 – 18 (by the way I am using the NASB.  If you hover over the verses with your mouse you will see what I see.  If you are using a phone or tablet you should get the same effect by touching the verse.)
Look at verse 3.  One of the benefits is that our iniquities are pardoned.  Notice how many times the idea of iniquities or transgressions is repeated in 6 – 18
  • Iniquities – verses 10 (twice counting “sins”), 12 (transgressions).
Lastly there is a contrast that is worth noting.  In verse 9, David states that God will not always strive with us or keep His anger forever.  Contrast that with verse 17, His lovingkindness is from everlasting to everlasting.

So what do we do with all these observations?  What do they say to you?  Do you see other things that are interesting?  I will share some of my conclusions tomorrow…

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