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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Revisiting Friends

I am doing an overview of 2 Corinthians.  It is for the Tuesday group.  The way we approach a book is overview, section by section analysis, and finally, a synthesis or summary of what we have learned.
Revisiting Friends
This is not the first or second time I have studied this book.  But as in every other book, I saw things that I have not seen in previous studies and that was just from reading through the book.  I highlighted several verses for a closer look as I went through.
I was deeply moved by some of what Paul shares.

If you are not in a group that forces you to look intently and consistently at His Word.  Find one.

1 comment:

  1. At this time in my life I don't have the Tuesday morning group as you have. But I have a life that is more challenging than ever before (as I know you do as well). I am "seeing" more truth and life in God's word, and far deeper challenges to familiar concepts than I ever have before.

    I suspect two related reasons: I have not been so desperate for God Himself as I am now, and He has perhaps not had my attention before as He does now. I can't wait to get at my Bible every morning.

    I hope for a more challenging group some day, not too far off, but in the mean time the Holy Spirit is doing a fair job of it.
