Two Groups
Consider two passages John 4:15
and John 6:34
. The first is the reaction of the Samaritan woman to her conversation with Jesus. The second is the reaction of those who follow Christ across the Sea of Galilee after being fed from a few loafs and fish.
Core Needs
In both cases Jesus had tapped into a deep desire, a deep core need in both the woman and those from the feeding of the 5000. Both the woman and those following after Jesus wanted the benefits that He promised from living water and living bread. But there were two vastly different outcomes for the woman and those who sought out Jesus for the bread.
Reaction #1
The woman left her water pot at the well and went to the city to tell anyone she could find what she had experienced at the well. The result? Many trusted Christ because of her testimony. She introduced her city to Christ.
Reaction #2
On the other hand as those who followed Christ after eating the bread continued to question and probe what He was saying, they turned away. Both the woman and those who were following Christ were offered eternal life. The woman responded and led others to Christ. Those who ate the bread turned away.
This Was the Best
I cannot imagine that there is a better evangelist than Jesus, not Billy Graham, no one. He was able to tap into core needs with His words. I have no hope to duplicate His ability to do that. But the good news is that even with His skill more turned away than came – well that is not good news for them. Why is that? Look at the thread through John 6:37
, 39
, 44
, 45
, and 65
What’s The Difference?
The apparent difference is that the Father gave the woman and the people in Sychar to Jesus and did not give those who ate the bread to Him. Although Jesus spoke to their core needs only those who the Father gave came to Him, the others turned away, grumbling.
Rest and Humility
We must do our best to share the Word of God. But it is not because of the skill or eloquence with which we speak that will determine the response of those who hear. It is whether they are drawn by the Father. In that we can rest. Further, in that we remain humble when the Father does draw.
Consider two passages John 4:15

Core Needs
In both cases Jesus had tapped into a deep desire, a deep core need in both the woman and those from the feeding of the 5000. Both the woman and those following after Jesus wanted the benefits that He promised from living water and living bread. But there were two vastly different outcomes for the woman and those who sought out Jesus for the bread.
Reaction #1
The woman left her water pot at the well and went to the city to tell anyone she could find what she had experienced at the well. The result? Many trusted Christ because of her testimony. She introduced her city to Christ.
Reaction #2
On the other hand as those who followed Christ after eating the bread continued to question and probe what He was saying, they turned away. Both the woman and those who were following Christ were offered eternal life. The woman responded and led others to Christ. Those who ate the bread turned away.
This Was the Best
I cannot imagine that there is a better evangelist than Jesus, not Billy Graham, no one. He was able to tap into core needs with His words. I have no hope to duplicate His ability to do that. But the good news is that even with His skill more turned away than came – well that is not good news for them. Why is that? Look at the thread through John 6:37

What’s The Difference?
The apparent difference is that the Father gave the woman and the people in Sychar to Jesus and did not give those who ate the bread to Him. Although Jesus spoke to their core needs only those who the Father gave came to Him, the others turned away, grumbling.
Rest and Humility
We must do our best to share the Word of God. But it is not because of the skill or eloquence with which we speak that will determine the response of those who hear. It is whether they are drawn by the Father. In that we can rest. Further, in that we remain humble when the Father does draw.