Christmas is great. Christmas is hard. There are a great number of people who struggle during this time of year. It is especially hard for those who have recently lost loved ones, but as you can read in this article, that is not the only reason. One that caught my attention was the need to produce. Inability to give the presents one wants to can produce feelings of failure and cause one to spin into despair; a feeling that there is no way out.
This morning I hit a series of passages that both challenged and reminded me of one of the core elements of faith. Isaiah 33:13

Do you ever feel like that you have dug a hole so deep that you cannot get out? Or that you have messed up so bad that God cannot fix it? Remember the announcement to Abraham and Zacharias; nothing is too difficult for God. Then follow the advice of Peter and cast all of your cares on Him, 1 Peter 5:6 – 7

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