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Friday, November 25, 2011

Unfunded Mandate

A couple of days ago I asked the question what is keeping us from moving from milk to meat (Hebrews 5:13 – 14).  Maybe it is because we have not been told how?  Think about raising children, they do not move from milk to solid food without their parents helping them.  You know the progression, milk, to pureed vegetables, to table food.  The parents are guiding and choosing the food for the child.  That does not seem to happen much in the Church.  The messages may get deeper, they may have new programs, but actually helping believers to move from being fed to feeding themselves does not seem to happen very much.

So when we are exhorted to grow in our intimacy with Christ, and we are not shown how to do that, we are not guided through the process, at some level our desires are increased with no known way to fulfill them.  Instead the counsel seems to be essentially a time tested list of Christian clichés.
“Die to yourself.”
“Give it over to God.”
“Spend time with God.”
I don’t know about you but I am not sure, on the face of it, what all that means.  I do know that Jesus rebuked those who had the first five books of the Old Testament memorized, so knowing the Bible backwards and forwards does not seem to be the answer (John 5:39 – 44).

So what is the answer?

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said. On the Christian cliche topic, I've always been opposed to using the admonition "You need to accept Jesus in your heart." Try to find that one in the Bible.
