There have been several conversations in the past couple of days in which the topic of how do we as men get to know God better has come up. That is important for us because as we have seen in Deuteronomy 6:5 - 6
, we are supposed to talk about what we know with our children, essentially, continually. In a couple of the conversations the role the Bible plays in getting to know Him was debated.
One of my favorite passages (my kids do not react to that phrase any more - they kind of roll their eyes and say something like, "Dad, you say that about every passage.") is 2 Peter 1:1 - 11
. In verses 3 - 4
, we read that through the promises of God, read Word of God here, we become partakers of the divine nature. How does that work? Well note the beginning of verse 4
is "For by these..." By what? It is stated in verse 3
, divine power, glory, and excellence. The promises of God reveal the nature of God. How? When someone tells you they are going to do something for you, how do you react? If you know them, you know how reliable they are because they have either been faithful to do what they said they would or not. My dad always told me growing up that a man was only as good as his word. That is essentially what Peter is telling us here. We test God by embracing His promises in faith. When we see Him faithful to those promises, we have learned, or become partakers of that part of His nature.
So essentially when we open the Word, we are coming into the presence of God, because He has chosen to reveal Himself, his nature and character through His Word, His promises. That amps up the way I interact with the Word.
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One of my favorite passages (my kids do not react to that phrase any more - they kind of roll their eyes and say something like, "Dad, you say that about every passage.") is 2 Peter 1:1 - 11

So essentially when we open the Word, we are coming into the presence of God, because He has chosen to reveal Himself, his nature and character through His Word, His promises. That amps up the way I interact with the Word.
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