This will be the first of at least a couple of posts on Isaiah 30:1 – 11
. First, look at Isaiah 30:1 – 3
. Israel is in trouble. They are under attack. Rather than turn to God for help they go to Egypt to make an alliance. The text says they did not consult God. So the plan, the alliance was not God’s. It was not of His Spirit. The result? Sin, shame, and humiliation.
When I face a challenge and look for solutions without consulting the Lord. When I try to solve the problem by trying to work through it myself or else try to find someone to fix it without asking the Lord. It seems that I am following in the footsteps of Israel.
Based on this passage and a truckload of experience, that does not work out all that well.

When I face a challenge and look for solutions without consulting the Lord. When I try to solve the problem by trying to work through it myself or else try to find someone to fix it without asking the Lord. It seems that I am following in the footsteps of Israel.
Based on this passage and a truckload of experience, that does not work out all that well.
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