Last Monday night, Entrusting Truth hosted an online introduction to Dads Teach the Bible, our core seminar. Click here to watch and listen. The presentation starts at 2:31. Let me know what you think in the comments.
You teach your kids how to play ball, who is going to teach them about the Bible?
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Thursday, June 18, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Monday, June 15, at 8:00 PM, I will be giving a live 30ish minute overview of why we offer the Dads Teach the Bible Seminar. We will do this on GoToMeeting the credentials are:
DTTB Intro
Mon, Jun 15, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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We can accommodate 150 people on this video conference the first 5 who join with webcams will be on screen with me, the others will be audio but will be able to see the presentation.
There will be a Q&A session at the end.
If you are interested you do not need to RSVP, just mark it down on your calendar, I will send a reminder on Monday. If you know someone who might be interested in this, please feel free to forward this email to them.
I look forward to either seeing you or hearing you on Monday evening.
Work and Grace
These are the two quotes to which I referred four days ago. The first is by William Wilberforce. You may remember that he was the British Lord who led the fight against the institution of slavery. His life is worth getting to know. One of several things about him that challenges me was his habit of quoting Psalm 119 (here @ Bible Gateway) from memory on his walk home from the house of Lords each evening.
The second quote is from Grant Osborne. He was professor of New Testament focused on hermeneutics, or the science of interpretation, at Trinity. His book The Hermenutical Spiral is a standard work on the subject.
And why, it may be asked, are we in this pursuit alone to expect knowledge without inquiry, and success without endeavour? The whole analogy of nature inculcates on us a different lesson, and our own judgments in matters of temporal interests and worldly policy confirm the truth of her suggestions. Bountiful as is the hand of Providence, its gifts are not so bestowed as to seduce us into indolence, but to rouse us to exertion; and no one expects to attain to the height of learning, or arts, or power, or wealth, or military glory, without vigorous resolution, and strenuous diligence, and steady perseverance. Yet we expect to be Christians without labour, study, or inquiry. This is the more preposterous, because Christianity, being a revelation from God, and not the invention of man, discovering to us new relations, with their correspondent duties; containing also doctrines, and motives, and practical principles, and rules, peculiar to itself, and almost as new in their nature as supreme in their excellence, we cannot reasonably expect to become proficient in it by the accidental intercourses of life, as one might learn insensibly the maxims of worldly policy, or a scheme of mere morals.
Wilberforce, William. A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity. (pp. 10-11). Kindle Edition.
The big problem with Bible study today is that we think it should be easier than other things we do. We study recipes for quality meals, how-to books for all kinds of things—carpentry, plumbing, automobile maintenance and so on—and read vociferously for our hobbies. Why do we think the Bible is the only subject we should not have to study?! Let me challenge you—make the Bible your hobby. At one level I do not like the analogy; the Bible must be so much more than a hobby! But at another level, what if we spent as much time and money on Bible study as we do our hobbies? What if we took the same amount we spend on golf clubs and courses or on skiing equipment and skiing trips, and put it into Bible study? Yes, encyclopedias, commentaries and other reference materials are expensive. But so is everything we do. The question is about priorities: what is important enough for our time and money?
Grant R. Osborne, The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, Rev. and expanded, 2nd ed. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006), 25.
Did you catch the similarity? Wilberforce would have said this in the early 1800’s. Osborne’s quote is from the 2nd edition of his work, published in 2006. They were speaking to similar issues 206 years apart.
What would you consider to be the key implications of the reality that two men, strong believers, are concerned about the same issue 206 years apart? In a later (I’ve given up on trying to do this daily) post, I will share my thoughts on this.
The second quote is from Grant Osborne. He was professor of New Testament focused on hermeneutics, or the science of interpretation, at Trinity. His book The Hermenutical Spiral is a standard work on the subject.
And why, it may be asked, are we in this pursuit alone to expect knowledge without inquiry, and success without endeavour? The whole analogy of nature inculcates on us a different lesson, and our own judgments in matters of temporal interests and worldly policy confirm the truth of her suggestions. Bountiful as is the hand of Providence, its gifts are not so bestowed as to seduce us into indolence, but to rouse us to exertion; and no one expects to attain to the height of learning, or arts, or power, or wealth, or military glory, without vigorous resolution, and strenuous diligence, and steady perseverance. Yet we expect to be Christians without labour, study, or inquiry. This is the more preposterous, because Christianity, being a revelation from God, and not the invention of man, discovering to us new relations, with their correspondent duties; containing also doctrines, and motives, and practical principles, and rules, peculiar to itself, and almost as new in their nature as supreme in their excellence, we cannot reasonably expect to become proficient in it by the accidental intercourses of life, as one might learn insensibly the maxims of worldly policy, or a scheme of mere morals.
Wilberforce, William. A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity. (pp. 10-11). Kindle Edition.
The big problem with Bible study today is that we think it should be easier than other things we do. We study recipes for quality meals, how-to books for all kinds of things—carpentry, plumbing, automobile maintenance and so on—and read vociferously for our hobbies. Why do we think the Bible is the only subject we should not have to study?! Let me challenge you—make the Bible your hobby. At one level I do not like the analogy; the Bible must be so much more than a hobby! But at another level, what if we spent as much time and money on Bible study as we do our hobbies? What if we took the same amount we spend on golf clubs and courses or on skiing equipment and skiing trips, and put it into Bible study? Yes, encyclopedias, commentaries and other reference materials are expensive. But so is everything we do. The question is about priorities: what is important enough for our time and money?
Grant R. Osborne, The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, Rev. and expanded, 2nd ed. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006), 25.
Did you catch the similarity? Wilberforce would have said this in the early 1800’s. Osborne’s quote is from the 2nd edition of his work, published in 2006. They were speaking to similar issues 206 years apart.
What would you consider to be the key implications of the reality that two men, strong believers, are concerned about the same issue 206 years apart? In a later (I’ve given up on trying to do this daily) post, I will share my thoughts on this.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Just now I was reviewing the past few days of journal entries. For three days the word “diligence” was repeated. Both in the passages to which the Lord directed me, and in some of my reactions to those passages.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines diligence as, “Constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent application and endeavour; industry, assiduity.”
Diligence appears numerous times in our Bibles. One of those places is Deuteronomy 4:9 – 10
(here @ Bible Gateway), there we are exhorted to keep our soul’s diligently. In that same passage we are challenged to not forget, but remember, what the Lord has done.
Diligence appears earlier in Deuteronomy 6:4 – 7
(here @ Bible Gateway). We are to engage with equipping, teaching our sons, diligently.
Then in 2 Peter the words diligent and remember are joined yet again. Consider:
Then again in 2 Timothy 2:15
(here @ Bible Gateway).
What do we make of all of this? Perhaps, being a Christian is not easy. Perhaps, it takes effort? Perhaps it is more than just showing up at a church once a week.
There are two very interesting quotes that I have found in the last few months. I will share them tomorrow. They may shed some light on this as well.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines diligence as, “Constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent application and endeavour; industry, assiduity.”
Diligence appears numerous times in our Bibles. One of those places is Deuteronomy 4:9 – 10

Diligence appears earlier in Deuteronomy 6:4 – 7

Then in 2 Peter the words diligent and remember are joined yet again. Consider:
- 2 Peter 1:5
(here @ Bible Gateway)
- 2 Peter 1:10
(here @ Bible Gateway)
- 2 Peter 1:15
(here @ Bible Gateway)
- 2 Peter 3:1
(here @ Bible Gateway)
- 2 Peter 3:14
(here @ Bible Gateway)
Then again in 2 Timothy 2:15

What do we make of all of this? Perhaps, being a Christian is not easy. Perhaps, it takes effort? Perhaps it is more than just showing up at a church once a week.
There are two very interesting quotes that I have found in the last few months. I will share them tomorrow. They may shed some light on this as well.
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