Ever feel like this world is against you? Read Psalm 90 (here @ BibleGateway). Focus for a second on verses 14 – 15 (here @ BibleGateway). It looks like it pretty much is against us. Now consider Genesis 3:16 – 19 (here @ BibleGateway) and compare that to Genesis 1:28 – 31
(here @ BibleGateway).
Notice that the curses in 3 are in direct contrast with assignments Adam and Eve are given in 1. They were to fill the earth, subdue it, and rule over it. Instead, because of their disobedience, Adam now had to deal with a cursed ground that would now resist his efforts to live to say nothing of the assignment to subdue.
Eve was to be a helper and the mother of all living. Rather than be a helper she now would want to dominate Adam. Further, the fruitful and multiply assignment was going to be accompanied by greatly multiplied pain.
So the deck was now stacked against them, and by extension us. Life moved from a lush garden to a harsh cursed and fallen world into which we have arrived.
Moses reminds us in his prayer that to navigate this cursed world we must cling to the grace of God each morning. That would seem like a strong recommendation to start each day in His Word and asking for the grace we need to make it through that day.
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