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Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Source of Doubt?

For the past couple of days we have been looking at the reality of doubt and a possible cure.  Where does it come from?  What is its source?  Let me suggest it is our arena and adversary.
The Source of Doubt?
Our arena is the world in which we live.  This world is under the dominion of our adversary, on whom we will expand in a bit.  John tells us in 1 John 2:15 – 16, that all, not some, all that is in the world is not from the Father, but is from the world.  Yet, we are pulled toward the world.  Our arena, our cultures, regardless of where we live, push us relentlessly toward the world.  We are told in every culture, every arena that if we do not have the latest stuff, be it clothes, cell phones, car, or home we are somehow diminished.

I just returned from a trip overseas, in an arena that would not be considered one of the richer arenas in the world.  In fact outside of the cities, the arena presents as deep poverty.  Yet everywhere I went there were billboards and advertisements telling me I needed a new home, a new cell phone, and a new car.

I went through Paris and Atlanta on both legs this time.  It seems like they build the airports around malls.  I could not get to my gates without being asked if I wanted to try the latest fragrance, buy my wife a diamond, or myself a suit, or a tie, I literally had to walk through shops to get to the gates.

This kind of input is constant.  Apparently in all arenas, cultures.  The persistent, not so subtle message is that we need things to be fulfilled.

That pull creates the worry and doubt about which Jesus talks in Matthew 6:25 – 34.

But that is not the only source…