
Friday, October 9, 2015

Time Alone

How to Respond to a Busy Day
Mark 1:35 immediately follows the busiest day in the life of Jesus that we have recorded.  Starting in Mark 1:14 the word immediately shows up six times before 1:35.  Event quickly followed event.  Long day.  After that busy of a day what would you do?  I would sleep in, get a few extra winks…
Time Alone
Not Jesus.

He got up early and went out and spent time with His Father.

Get Alone
It is good to get away.  It is good to focus on just time alone with God.  In the Spirit of the Disciplines, Willard reminds us that one of the disciplines that Christ, Paul, and many of the early Church fathers practiced was solitude.  So I am getting away.

Get Away
For the next three and a half days I will be somewhere under a tree in the valley in the picture above.  I will have my Bible, my journal, perhaps one other book a friend got me.  The purpose is to pray through some things.

Get Focused
There are no trails in that wilderness.  So the likelihood of seeing others is greatly diminished, which is the point.

If you have not done this yourself.  I would highly recommend it.  Get away.  Get somewhere where people cannot find you.  Spend time only with Him.

You will be refreshed.

PS.  No blog posts till Monday...

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