
Monday, October 12, 2015

Best Laid Plans

The Plan
Last Friday I left with the intention of spending three and a half days alone under a tree in the Upper Buffalo Wilderness…  The plan was to read my Bible, journal, pray, and seek the Lord on a number of issues...  Things did not go as planned.
Best Laid Plans
The Reasons
The idea was to pull apart like Christ and Paul did.  I mentioned that at the end of the busiest day that we have recorded, Jesus did not sleep in, He got up early and went to spend time with the Lord, Mark 1:35.  Paul after his conversion went to Arabia, Galatians 1:17.  Solitude is something that we need from time to time…

I go to wilderness areas because Christ was tested in the wilderness and I can find solitude there.  Got tested, no solitude.

The Reality
Several things went wrong, the biggest problem, there was no water source.  In terms of solitude, the leaves were turning and everyone in Arkansas that did not have a ticket to the Alabama vs Arkansas game came to the wilderness to see the color, with their dogs…

Plan B
So I drug myself out Saturday morning after spending Friday night in a cave.

What I planned as three days with the Lord in the wilderness ended up as 5 hours with Him at Starbucks.

It was still a great time.  I have a lot to share and do.  My plan did not work out.  But we still met.

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