
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Misplaced Anger

Reaction to Unbelief
When you hear someone deny Christ, or challenge the reality of Christianity, how do you respond?  There are those who read this blog that post it on atheist websites and poke fun at it.  How should I respond?
Misplaced Anger
Made Me Mad
In the past things like that angered me.  At some level I felt like I had to defend Christ.  If I did not then somehow He was diminished.  So I began to review the usual objections and began to craft answers that dealt with them logically and Biblically.

Not So Much Now
I don’t do that anymore.

I was reminded why this weekend.  Look at Romans 3:3 – 4.  God is not impacted in the least if someone does not believe in Him.  Doesn’t make a dent.  He is not diminished, marginalized, or rendered impotent by anyone’s unbelief.  He is.  He does what He wants in the world and in our lives regardless of our faith or lack thereof.

No Connection, Totally Irrelevant
That makes dealing with someone who is an unbeliever not a personal thing, more of a matter of just sharing what one knows to be true.  There is a rest in that.  There is a peace in that.  My faith, my relationship with Christ is not dependent, impacted, reduced, or invalidated by the unbelief of anyone else.

Even if they are holding a gun to my head.


  1. "My faith, my relationship with Christ is not dependent, impacted, reduced, or invalidated by the unbelief of anyone else."

    Great summary of the sad fact that some are not able to grasp spiritual truths, 1Co 2:14-16.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
