
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sound Redemptive Structure

We finished Titus this morning.  Each of us summarized our study with an outline or a chart.  We do this by reviewing the word we did verse by verse, section by section and comparing that with our overview.  We then make whatever comments we need to that either validate what we had in the overview or else make changes that incorporate what we learned in our detailed study that changed what we thought during the overview.
My summary differed from the overview in some significant ways.  First I changed from three to two divisions.  I changed my title for the book.  Finally, I changed what I picked as the key verse.

Structure to Protect
What I saw in Titus was a clear direction by Paul to defend and protect what he refers to as sound doctrine.  The reason is given in Titus 1:13, so that those in the church will be sound in faith.  Sound faith is dependent on sound doctrine it seems.

Elements of the Structure
There are two things that Paul tells Titus to do to accomplish this goal.  The first is to develop a structure in the church that is able to teach and defend sound doctrine.  This includes”
  • Elders
  • Older men
  • Older women
The clear implication of this command is that it is not likely that the pastor or leader of a church will be able to do this without help.

Leading the Structure
The other part of the structure is leadership.  Paul exhorts Titus to do several things:
  • Set in Order
  • Appoint
  • Speak
  • Reprove
  • Exhort
  • Refute
  • Avoid
  • Reject
Does that Still Apply?
That list describes a proactive leader.  One that is not tolerant of either bad doctrine or bad people.  He is engaged in the identification, training, and deployment of others who are able to lead and defend the faith.  One of the questions we asked this morning is how many local bodies are following this model?

What do you think?

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