
Thursday, October 29, 2015


You know Acts 1:8, you probably have it memorized.  Next time you are in Acts trace the word “power” through the book.  You will find:
Not Contained
  • Acts 4:23 – The apostles are testifying with great power
  • Acts 6:8 – Stephen was performing miracles with power
  • Acts 18:28 – Apollos refuted the Jews powerfully
Not Limited
The power was not limited to the apostles.  Stephen was one of the men chosen as a servant in Acts 6.  Apollos, well we do not know how he came to know Christ.  The point is that just as Christ’s prayer in John 17:20, and His command in Matthew 28:18 – 20, Christ’s expectation was that what was taught and given to the 12, would be passed on to all who came to know Him through them.

Not Today?
So is that power available today, or was it just for them?

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