
Friday, October 30, 2015

Complete Joy

John’s Relationship with Christ
The apostle John was one of the first that Jesus called to follow Him.  He was with Jesus for about three years.  John walked all over Judea with Jesus.  He was one of the closest to Christ.  When others were not included in an event John was there.
Complete Joy
He is called the disciple who Jesus loved.  He was the only one who came to the foot of the cross.  Christ placed His mother under John’s care.

That is for context.  Can you imagine what it would have been like to be in John’s shoes for those three years.  To be at Christ’s side, to see what He saw, to hear Christ speak, to see Him do all of the miracles.

Sharing Completes John’s Joy?
If we consider John’s experience, even for a moment, it makes 1 John 1:4, all that more incredible.  After all of that John’s joy was not complete?  How can that be?  This is not the only place that this attitude appears in John’s writing.  Look at 2 John 4 and 3 John 4.

John’s heart is clear.  His love for Christ is so deep that he has to share Him with others.  He has joy in the experience of introducing the one He loves to others.  That is what completes his joy.

Paul was much the same.  In 2 Corinthians 5:14 – 21 is one example of that, Paul is controlled by the Love of Christ.

Not My Experience
For me that is a challenge.  Yes, I have great joy when I am able to tell someone about Christ, but complete my joy?  If I am honest, no.  It would seem that my love for Christ is less than John’s.

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