
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

It is Not About the Money

Wrong Values
In Acts 8:9 – 24, we read about Simon.  He was prominent in Samaria.  He had a powerful reputation.  When Phillip the deacon came proclaiming the good news about the Kingdom of God, many believed including Simon.
It is Not About the Money
Peter and John show up to follow up on Phillip’s ministry and prayed for the Samaritan believers laying hands on them with the result that they received the Holy Spirit.  Simon was blown away by this.  It was a power far beyond anything he had ever imagined.  He was so excited he begged to be able to do what Peter and John had done, even offering money for the privilege.  As you know Peter rebuked him.


Wrong Economy
Peter said Simon had bad intentions, a gall of bitterness, and was in the bondage of iniquity.  Simon thought he could buy his way into spiritual power.  He thought it was about money.

It wasn’t.  It is still not.  Prof always said that if someone was in the ministry for the money, he did not have the brains for the job.

Simon Says
There are at least a couple of lessons we need to, well, I need to take away from our encounter with Simon.  First, there are no shortcuts on this journey.  There is nothing I can buy that will make me more spiritual.  No conference I pay for, no speaker or author whose books and messages I buy, will move me further down the path.  Not even reading Christian blogs.

Second, our position in our community does not translate to our position in the Church when we trust Christ.  I have seen men of “power”, C suite executives, founders of organizations come to Christ and either expect to have the same influence over the local body that they do over their organizations, or they are given that authority by a body.  That is a direct violation of 1 Timothy 3:6.

Based on Hebrews 5:11 – 14, it is not even how long one has been a believer that is important.  The issue is have we practiced, applied the Word to our lives.  Are we moving toward the Lord in our walk, or not?  It is practice not time nor money that makes a difference.

If You Want to Spend Money…
Oh – there are a couple of things you can buy that may help.  First, a Bible, not a study Bible, which has the least amount of headers on the paragraphs but does have cross references.  Second, a good concordance.  Then use them…

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