
Friday, March 18, 2016


Ever get frustrated trying to get all you need to get done in a day done?  I do.  More days than not.

One of my mentors used to say that it just takes a long time to live.  To get all of the stuff that has to be done, bills, maintenance, prepping food, mowing the yard, mundane stuff…  But it has to be done.

Then I think about Matthew 6:25 – 34.

I am not supposed to worry about all of that stuff.  But it still has to be done.  I am working through how in the heck I am supposed to seek first the kingdom when life seems to be getting in the way…

Any ideas?


  1. Maybe if we ably Mathew 6: 9-13 first every day before we start the day we might or will get everything done that God has planned for us done in a day

    1. Great thought. I do not remember who said it but the reality is that we have time to do exactly what God wishes us to do each day. Perhaps that is what Paul is talking about in Ephesians 5:15 - 16. Good word David.

  2. These are helpful thoughts; thank you. As we walk in this world they are issues we must grapple with.

    I think this always takes hard and sober prayerful evaluation. And it changes with time and status of life. It's also different according to the track God has called us to follow. I doubt if the Apostle Paul was worried about the grass in his Roman dungeon yard. But if I neglect mine, it is a dishonor to my neighbors who work to keep theirs neat and attractive. In the words of one of my mentors,"It's a lousy testimony."

    But now it takes too much time and I have no interest in it without my "homemaker." My solution? I'm going to move into a place that takes very little to no maintenance - either structure or yard. And perhaps even no housekeeping beyond very minimum.

    I think of what the Apostle Paul (called to a life of celibacy and dangerous ministry) said in 1 Corinthians 7 regarding marriage, speaking to those who had a similar calling. He upheld the principle that if you have a wife/husband that has certain implications that threaten your marriage, especially in desperate conditions like he faced) in 1 Corinthians 7:28, that if I marry it's not sinning, but I am setting myself up "for many troubles in this life." I am to love my wife as Christ loves the Church. That adds much to my "do-list" that I need to attend to - and all by the will of God.

    I hope this stimulates more discussion. I need all the help I can get.
