
Monday, March 21, 2016

In the Shallows

I have mentioned before that the Lord has been encouraging me in the area of prayer.  I am learning a lot, it seems late as long as I have been on this journey, but I am learning none the less.
In the Shallows
This morning however, things did not work out well.  I overslept, that may have had something to do with the activities of the weekend, I was beat.  But, sleep in, I did.  So I got up behind schedule.

My time with the Lord was stiff.  I did not get into prayer all that much.  The time seemed shallow and forced.  Nothing stood out in the Word and there is nothing in my journal for today other than the reading assignment.

It is my suspicion that being in the shallows from time to time is part and parcel of being in the deep end later.

1 comment:

  1. Life is not always spectacular. The journey through the Wilderness for God's people in the Old Testament could not have been pleasant all the time, despite all the fresh air and spectacular scenery. One thing for sure, the dry places make the fresh water of the Spirit all the more wonderful and refreshing.
