
Monday, February 6, 2012


One of the key words in the Gospel of Mark is “immediately.”  If you took the word out of the book it would be a couple of chapters shorter.  Mark starts off with a bang.  In chapter 1 we have recorded one of Christ’s busiest days.  Read through it.  Look what he does the next morning, verse 35.  I don’t know about you, but after a day like that I would have slept in.  The model here is that we have to get away from people and get time with the Father.

For the last two days, since Saturday morning, I have been sitting under a tree in Arkansas.  My son John has been publishing these last few posts for me.  I have learned that I have to get away from the phone, the computer, the television, people.  I do not get to do it enough.  It allows me to just be still.  To thin, read the Word, and Journal.  I highly recommend the practice.  It is the best way I know to actually apply Psalm 46:10.  You may not want to backpack out to the middle of a wilderness, but I would encourage you to get away from all the usual distractions and focus on Him.

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