
Sunday, February 5, 2012

No Time

Have you ever noticed how much we reference “time” in our daily life?  I just checked and since I started writing this blog last November I have used the word 107 times in 83 posts.  Why is that?  John Eldredge has called busyness the “spirit of the age.”  By that he means that we are effectively slaves to our schedules.  There are not many of us that do not have smartphones that are synced with our computers, that tell us when and what we have scheduled.  We fill those schedules.  With work, kids events, entertainment – when we do not have something to do, we get nervous that we may have forgotten something.

It is said that all men are created equal – while that is not true in the sense of gifts and abilities – I will never be an NFL football player, It is true in one sense.  We all have 168 hours each week.  No matter whom we are we have that amount of time.  We choose how to use it.  Men have told me that they did not have time to study the Bible.  All that really means is that it is not important to them.  Some time ago a guy told me that he had not had the time to prep for a study he had told me he wanted to do.  I knew that he had spent several hours playing games on his computer that week.  Christ said that His word is to abide in us, John 15:7.  It would seem that in order for the Word to abide in us, we will have to abide in the Word.

All of us have to make decisions every day how we are going to invest the 24 hours we have been allotted.  How we invest it, is a better indication of what is important than what we claim to be.

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