
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Loose End – Part 3

Yesterday we continued to think through the issue that Wilberforce and Osborne both wrote about 206 years apart.  An issue that persisted throughout those 206 years and seems to persist today.  That is the seeming apathy to the Lord’s exhortation to abide in His Word.

Yesterday I shared the idea that reading books about the Bible, listening to messages about the Bible, watching programs, going to classes about the Bible, is not the same as being in the Bible.  I have done and still do all those things.  I have a ThM, which was 128 hours of class and untold hours outside of class, and that does not count the courses I took in Greek and Hebrew before I got to seminary.  I’m sitting in an office that has every available wall lined with full bookcases and there are 20 or so boxes of books in storage.  All of those things, books, programs, classes are helpful, but they cannot and are not supposed to be the major input of our Biblical lives.

All of those, as good as they are, are filtered through the study and experience of others.  As good as those others are, their work is not inspired.  We need to be in the Word of God ourselves, before we pick up a book – say we are studying Ephesians.  We need to do an overview, analyze each section, and then summarize what we studied.  Then and only then we are ready to look at some secondary source.  If we engage in the secondary source first, what we see will be channeled toward what the teacher, author, or speaker saw.

There is another challenge though.  For the most part, churches regardless of their tradition, have not done a good job of equipping those in the community with the skills needed to study the Word for themselves.  Ephesians 4:11 – 16 (here @ Bible Gateway), outlines succinctly what the ministry of a local church is to be.  The leaders are tasked to equip those in the church to do the work of the ministry.  Did you catch that?  The leaders are not supposed to do the work they are to equip the saints to do so.

That may be the source of the problem.  Seminaries, at least the ones I am aware of, do not focus on training pastors to equip.  They are focused on exegesis, hermeneutics, exposition, and homiletics.  That is, in a normal person’s words, technical study, interpretation, explanation, and proclamation.  Thus, most pastors do not equip, they proclaim.  Again, that is good.  I have listened to thousands of messages and have benefited from them.  But the primary input, the most help I have gotten, has been from personal study, personal engagement, wrestling with the text of the Bible.

I learned how to do that, not from classes – while there were some classes that helped in the sense that they suggested methods or tools of which I was not familiar.  Rather, it was from individuals who showed me how to do the work and gave me feedback on what I saw and how I explained it.  It is that interaction, that back and forth, what Paul refers to in Ephesians 4:16 (here @ Bible Gateway), as “being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body…”  Classes do not equip.  Practicing what a class teaches, under observation by someone who knows and is mastering or has mastered the content and gives feedback and constructive criticism – that is what equips.

It seems to me that is what we need in our churches.  I have heard there are some that are doing this.  I am working at doing so in my church.


  1. the problem today is the number of Christians given to the kosmos diabalikosmos...we are to realize this and come out and be separate. judgement is present.redemption is always the goal. which shall it b e ?

    1. Not sure what you mean by kosmos diabalikosmos if you have the Greek please paste it in response to this. I do not find the second word in any of the Lexicons. I am interested in your point but I'm not sure yet what you mean by the second word. So please either check the anglicization of the Greek or paste the Greek here so I can properly respond. Thanks

  2. Thank you, Mike. Somehow I missed the first two of this string, and can't agree more. After all, the shepherd/ess can do a great deal for the sheep in a number of ways, but in the end they can't eat for the sheep.

    One of my greatest pleasures is to hear a couple of guys I've never even met sharing on Thursday morning what they are getting in their daily readings through the Bible out of books like Deuteronomy, I Chronicles and Lamentations. The Word of God is alive."

    However, let me be quick to acknowledge men (an women) like you who take the time, effort and expense to become "experts" in handling the Sword of the Holy Spirit to guide, correct and stimulate us in our journeys. We need you.

    1. You are kind, but you are also one who pushed me in my understanding and approach to the Word. Thus, a whole lot of what I do is your fault. ;-)
