
Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Yesterday I started sharing some observations on Acts 11:19 – 26, here is the second…
Antioch was hopping.  Barnabus was thrilled with what he saw.  As we saw yesterday he encouraged the new believers and many more trusted Christ.

It would have been easy for Barnabus to assert his position as emissary of the apostles.  Barnabus could have done as many do today and take the ministry over.  Instead he knew that he needed a team.

He went for the one he knew could teach well.  Saul had demonstrated in Damascus that he was a capable teacher.  Barnabus was one who was a peace maker a connector.  He ran interference for Saul with the Apostles in Jerusalem.

The combination of gifts and personalities was powerful in this community of new believers.  The application for us is huge.  We need a team.  We cannot minister on our own.  It takes a team of gifts in order to build up the Body of Christ.  Isn’t that what all of the passages on gifts tell us, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:11 – 16.

One error to avoid is that of taking on the role of leader when we need to have others involved in the battle with us.

1 comment:

  1. All these passages were written by the Apostle Paul himself - and he often reflected that he himself valued the men and women around him as well. There are no "lone ranges" in the service of our Head.
