
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Trust and Death

Much of what I have shared in the past six posts is my processing of what I encountered during the last trip.  In response to some of the passages in the Sermon on the Mount some in the group stated that in their culture it was not possible to follow what Christ commanded.  They would face imprisonment, physical harm, and possibly death if they were to obey.
Trust and Death
In thinking, praying through this, and looking at what the Word of God reveals, it seems that the Lord does things in ways that are at best counter intuitive and frankly opposite of what we as humans would chose to do them.

If we are at war we would gather the strongest force we could to wage that war.  Not so with the Lord.  He chooses to engage the enemy in ways that do not entirely make sense to us.  Look at:

Matthew 10:24 – 39
Philippians 1:12 – 26
Matthew 24:4 – 14
Revelation 4 – 5; 6:1 – 11
Psalm 2

One of the key passages in that mix is Matthew 10:28.  I have already mentioned 1 Corinthians 15:26.  Look now at 1 Corinthians 15:50 – 58.

The fear of rejection, persecution, imprisonment, and possible execution for one’s faith are some of the main weapons of the enemy.  Death of course is his ultimate weapon.

With the resurrection, Christ destroyed that weapon.  As believers, followers of Christ we are told not to fear death.  It has no power over us.  That is the focus of 1 Corinthians 15:50 – 58 is it not?  We are to trust in the sovereignty of God, the certainty of our resurrected life in the Kingdom validated by the resurrection of our Lord.

On that foundation we are to stand fast in the face of rejection, persecution, imprisonment, and execution.

1 comment:

  1. A well-reasoned analysis of this great truth! We (as the Lord continues to tarry) will all face death. As I have considered this very subject especially the last several weeks (partly stimulated by a series of sermons on the Apostle Paul and the book of Acts) I have questioned my own feelings on this. As I listen to news coming out of the M.E. these days from both secular and faith reports I consider how secure I feel in my home here in America.

    As the Apostle Paul faced the extraordinary dangers and opposition in serving Christ he maintained a confident, positive spirit and unflagging zeal to serve Christ knowing he was secure until his job was done.

    In John 15:20,21 Jesus promised His disciples that how He had/would be treated is the same way they would be treated. One why they treated Him was the cross. Every one of His disciples (minus Judas) died by crucifixion we are told except John who died in exile.

    Just why should I not be treated exactly the same way? I wonder, and pray I would have the courage to live day by day faithfully, especially if it might lead to physical suffering (which I fear more than death) and death. The martyrs of all ages seem to have a special place in God's heart and plan.
