
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Doubt vs Trust

In the context of the passages we have examined the opposite of doubt is trust.  If you review Matthew 5:1 – 7:29, it seems that Jesus is doing at least two things.
Doubt vs Trust
First He is raising the bar.  He is defining the expectations of the Law, the expectations of His Father, radically differently than the religious leaders had been teaching them.  He moves from action to attitude, thought.  Looking lustfully at a woman is adultery, not acting on the thought, the thought is a problem.

This part of His purpose culminates in Matthew 5:48.  The standard is hopelessly high.  We are to live out the perfection of God.  It is impossible.

The next purpose is that we have to surrender any notion that we are sufficient to do much of anything, and rather than try to make life work, we are to trust God.

So faced with the crushing, relentless attacks of the enemy.  Faced with all of the vagaries of trying to navigate life well, the charge is not to seek our own purposes.  No, we are to fully engage in seeking the fulfillment of the first part of the prayer Christ outlines, in Matthew 6:9 – 13a, we are to first, seek His kingdom.

We are to trust God for the rest.

Trust or doubt.

What does God have to do to validate that we can trust Him?

1 comment:

  1. Faith and trust are inextricably joined to one another. I wonder if there is a distinction in meaning at all. In cleaning out in my wife's office on Saturday I discovered the following quote by author Jerry Bridges, a mentor to many through his books and writings as well as of those blessed enough to know him personally - and a man of incredible faith (trust). She had reproduced it in her typical artistic style on a card. After I finished weeping and repenting of my lack of trust I put it in a book that I use in my daily time with God so I would be reminded often. I plan to frame it and put it where I see it frequently.

    "Trust is not a passive state of mind it is a vigorous act of the soul by which we choose to lay hold of the promises of God despite that adversity that at times seeks to overwhelm us."
